Our accounting department provides tools to make it easy. You will be provided our office CotaxWise mobile app to submit material & to receive the results.
Monthly accounting
VAT calculation and submission of VAT return
intermediate calculations
financial statements
Country reporting
branch reporting
subsidiary reporting
reports on relocation
country-by-country reporting
Tax adjustments and taxation
income tax
preliminary rulings
consulting and advice
Incorporation documents preparation in qualifying jurisdictions.
Accounting not done
accounting entries
financial statements
tax calculations and adjustments
action in tax audit situations
Provision of an accounting within multination business.
Mobile app features
​Your location or domicile does not matter you will be provided a mobile app in addition to many other tools for you to provide us your documentation to our measures.
easy to use
you do not need to input numbers
profitability calculations and graphs
the amount of VAT payable and a VAT history of earlier tax periods
maintenance of a travel and driving diary
delivery of accounting material for accounting preparations purposes
profit computation & graphics
Choose here for accounting plans
We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or by using the contact form